Advertising Rates

Below are the current advertising rates. Click on an image to download a PDF for your records.  The classifieds form is to help you fill out the form and add up your price. Once you have filled out the form you can either fax it to the Reminder at 269-427-5286 or you can just type it up and send us an email at or you can call the Reminder at 269-427-7474 and speak to a representative. Please note that an emailed copy will have the spelling the way you spelled it. We do reserve the right to correct typos when necessary.

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Remember To Say I Saw It In The Van Buren Reminder!

The deadline to place your ads in the Van Buren Reminder has changed.

Our new deadline is Thursdays at Noon the week prior to publication.
Wednesdays at 4 p.m. for customers requiring a proof.

Van Buren Reminder • P.O. Box 218 • Bangor, MI 49013 • PHONE: (269) 427-7474 • FAX: (269) 427-5286
Business Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9 AM to 4 PM • Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday